All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in total
Genesis 9-11: Noah Gets Drunk + the Tower of Babel
We jump into the story of Genesis again and read that after the flood, Noah, the boatbuilder and preacher, gets drunk. What follows is nakedness, shame, disrespect, a...

Genesis 6: Noah & the Great Flood
Join us on this episode as we dig into the details of the Genesis flood story... and realize that we don't know all the answers! But we also find that the story of No...

Genesis 5 + 6: Intro to the Genesis Flood Story + Did It Really Happen?
In this episode, we discuss the surprisingly interesting genealogies of Genesis 5 and then jump into Genesis chapter 6 and the story of the flood. Was the flood in No...

Genesis 4: Cain, Abel, and the Great Controversy
Cain and Able are prototypes for the players in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Abel worships God in spirit and truth, while Cain creates his own vers...

Genesis 3: The Great Rescue
In this episode, we explore the foundational gospel promise found in Genesis 3 which shows up again in the Bible’s final book of Revelation. The promise of the free gi...

Genesis 3: The Big Lie and Coverup
In this episode, we jump into Genesis chapter 3. A talking serpent appears in a tree and Eve believes his lies about God. Suddenly, the perfection of paradise is shat...

Genesis 2: Sacred Time, Space, and Relationships
Join us as we jump into Genesis chapter 2 and explore three "sacred" things God created: a sacred time, a sacred space, and a sacred relationship.

Genesis 1: Created in God's Image
Who is God? How did He create the world? And what does it mean to be created in His image? Join us as we explore the answers to these questions and more.

Genesis 1: Is the Creation Story for Real?
Can we take seriously the creation account in Genesis chapter 1? Did God actually create the world in six literal days? Join us as we explore the Bible and find answe...

The Big Picture: Bible Themes and Timeline
Let's zoom way out and talk about the themes of the Bible and the timeline of events in its pages. Join us for this foundational episode that will give you a framewor...

Introduction to the Bible
Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote it and why? What does the Bible claim about itself? And how do you read or study the Bible? Join Mark Brown and Steve Allred t...

About Us + Who Is This Podcast For?
Who are we, what is this podcast about, and who is it for? Find out here!